NEW: These books can change your life!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

New name for this blog. Welcome to The Blue Jeans Yoga!

In the last few days, I published my new yoga book which I titled 'Blue Jeans Yoga' so instead of creating a new website/blog I renamed my old blog to Fortis Yoga.

I am getting old, and I thought that I needed to change my approach to my Yoga workout. 

I wanted to be able to do it every morning before I went to work. Since I must leave by 6:45 a.m. I decided that the most I could afford was 10-11 minutes for my yoga. That also meant that there was no time to change into sweats or anything like that. My trusted jeans are both comfortable and presentable to both do yoga and then take my dog for a quick walk. 

So, I redesigned my workout around these criteria and happily followed it for the last 8 months. I even took my 'short' version of the workout (also in the book) and did it right before I went to bed. It stretches my muscles after days full of work and projects around the house. It also helps me to prevent cramps which with age become more painful. 

I shared all of that in this book and I hope you will find it helpful. ENJOY IT TODAY!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Yoga and Cardio

Your doctor tells you that to lose weight you need to do cardio. Your gut tells you to do Yoga. What you should do? How about a little of both? You can do 5-10 minutes of Yoga for a quick stretch or warm up and then do cardio. You can even do another set of Yoga for a cool down. Again, it doesn’t have to be a full session of yoga. Just select exercise. The possibilities are limitless even if you are limited on time. When I only have 2 minutes I do 2 minute planks (standard and side).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Plank Challenge - I challenge YOU

Yes, I challenge you to do 1 minute Yoga Plank every day for 30 days. (*)

If you finish the challenge send me an email, 30 + days from now, and I will send you a PDF copy of my award winning :) Yoga for Men in 5 minutes.

Do you accept? If yes, send me an email now so I know what to expect a month from now.

Do you need a tool to track any of your 30 day challenges? Here is a simple spreadsheet that lets you do it. All you have to do is check the box.

* Here is why I am doing this Plank challenge, I am increasing my hold time to 90 seconds. How about you?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 year anniversary: Yoga for Men in 5 Minutes re-edited. re-imagined

It is 10 years since the original version of  "Yoga for Men in 5 Minutes" was first published on Amazon. Since then I did some re-editing and now I have the 4th edition of the book with brand new cover as well.

I hope you like it, and if you do, please give me good review and 5 stars. Yes, it's important, because for over 1000 purchases I only got 3 (three) reviews.

Again, this book is meant to get men of any age and any physical ability to start doing yoga. When I started doing yoga I had several reasons to do so. The main one was that I wanted to be more flexible. Second, I needed to improve my posture since my spine was a "little bent", so my right shoulder was higher than the other one. Third, I needed to have a low impact workout because I was studying for my high school final exams and did not want to be distracted by any other sport.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Try something for your back

If you have any kind of back pain and the only help is pain medication try this. Please mind how your body reacts to this exercise. (I am not a medical professional, it is based on my personal experience.) If the pain gets worse, stop. But give it a shot. On the first day do it once. Increase reps every day until you do 4 reps.

Bridge pose

Lie down on the floor. Arms on the sides. Bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the floor as close to your buttocks as possible.
Lift your hips off the floor. Keep your arms flat on the floor. Your feet and thighs should be parallel, 4 - 6 inches apart. Lift your hips as much as you can. The knees should be directly over the heels. Your spine should arch so you much that only top your shoulder, neck and back of your head touch the floor.

Stay in the Bridge Pose for 30 seconds or little more. When you release from the pose roll the spine down slowly onto the floor.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

It's a second week of the Yoga month.

To observe it, add another pose to your workout, the Plank. Assume a position similar to the one you start push-ups with and stay there. Hold it for at least 15 second. Everyday increase the time length by few second until you get to 1 minute. 

It works great on your abs.

Do it for at least a month (while reading my book) and you will see and/or feel the difference.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September is National Yoga Month - Start Today

September is National Yoga Month , you can start today better yet, right now.

Start with a forward bend. 

While exhaling: lower your torso toward the floor, keeping the spine straight. Place your fingertips on the floor just outside your feet. The fingertips should be aligned with your toes. Bring the torso and head toward your legs in forward fold.Try to place your hands flat on the floor. Hold.
This pose can be used as a resting position between the poses. Stay in the pose for 3 seconds.

If it was difficult, don't worry about it. Do the Sun Salutation A from my book (below) for a month and you will see a difference.